Renewed cooperation of the Garstner photovoltaic expert CCE – Clean Capital Energy with real estate specialist Obermair Immobilien GmbH secures the purchase of green electricity for apartment owners and tenants.
Already a few years ago, CCE – Clean Capital Energy and Obermair Immobilien GmbH cooperated and equipped the houses of the Obermair project “Stadtwohnpark Werndlstraße” with a photovoltaic system. Now the cooperation was taken up again and the houses of the real estate project “Wohnen am Südhang”, which is located in Garsten-Christkindl, were installed with photovoltaic systems.
Benefit for owners and tenants
The PV modules installed on the roofs of the residential complex generate 126,000 kWh of electricity annually, which benefits the residents again on a 1:1 basis. Surplus energy that is not directly consumed by the owners and tenants on site is fed into the local energy grid. In addition to the effect that the electricity is generated in an environmentally friendly and clean way by sunlight, the consumers also save costs compared to conventional electricity. With electricity prices currently on the rise, a kilowatt hour generated by photovoltaics is already around 10 cents cheaper than conventional electricity from the grid.
The environment always in mind
For Michael Obermair, Managing Director of Obermair Immobilien, sustainability has always been a major issue and has always been taken into consideration in the implementation as well as the equipment of the real estate projects. “We are particularly pleased that, in addition to environmentally friendly heating systems using heat pumps, we can now offer our customers yet another service for an environmentally friendly lifestyle with PV electricity,” he elaborates. Robert Bogner, managing director of CCE Austria adds: “For the achievement of the European-wide climate goals such projects are optimal. The roof areas are available anyway. So they are used and everyone benefits – the environment and the residents.”
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