Drei Personen im Gespräch, die auf ein Tablet zeigen und schauen.

What CCE stands for

A future with a 100% renewable energy for a livable planet.

Solarpanele in Reihen auf einer grünen Freifläche.

A green future

Our vision

A future with 100% renewable energy for a planet worth living on - that is our vision.

We want to make a significant contribution to the global energy transition and supply over 2 million households with green energy.

100% renewable energies

Do you share our vision?

Together we are creating a planet worth living on and a green future.

Realising the future.

Zwei Personen mit Warnweste und Schutzhelm die auf einem Feld stehen und auf etwas zeigen.

Realising the future

Our mission

Realising the future. For this purpose, over 200 employees develop, build and operate innovative solutions that enable people worldwide to access clean energy.

Corporate Values

Together we Care

For us, sustainability is more than just a buzzword. By acting responsibly, we help to protect the environment and achieve a positive social impact.

Trust is the basis of our cooperation. We trust each other and create an environment that promotes open communication, individual development and joint growth.

We take responsibility for our actions, our colleagues, the environment and society. Ethical behaviour is a matter of course for us.

Drei Personen im Gespräch, die auf ein Tablet zeigen und schauen.
Zwei Personen in einem Gespräch vor einem Fenster.

100% renewable energy

Sie teilen unsere Vision?

Together we are creating a planet worth living on and a green future.

Together for a greener future

Be a part of the energy transition

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CCE develops and delivers clean energy based on photovoltaics and battery storage in seven countries. With a strong portfolio, CCE plans to provide green electricity to over 2 million households by 2029 and drive the global energy transition.

© 2025 CCE. All rights reserved.