The internationally active, independent power producer CCE Holding, which develops, implements, finances, and operates PV and BESS projects in seven countries, is using a former landfill in Rafelder for the construction of a solar plant. Over an area of approximately 6.2 hectares, a plant with a capacity of 10.2 MW will be built in the coming months, providing green electricity to around 2500 residents.
Double effect for the environment
Once again, CCE Holding is using an area that cannot be used as farmland or building land due to its previous use as a landfill. The contaminated brownfield site requires extensive treatment due to the polluted soil and groundwater.
CCE is investing a mid-five-digit amount in various measures before starting the actual construction of the plant: The solar PV park is built on clean sand and a layer of geotextile, effectively sealing the contaminated soil for the next decades. Cederik Engel, Managing Director of CCE Netherlands and Head of Sustainability at CCE, emphasizes that maximum sustainability is being implemented in this project: "CCE has not only focused on electricity production in this PV plant, but we have also applied all possible ESG guidelines in planning and construction. This brings our slogan 'We realize the future' truly to life."
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